Cotton and Silk Industry Research Institute (original abbreviation VUBH) established as a separate workplace of at that time existing group "Czech Textile Factories" (CTZ)
During first years - close collaboration between VUBH and CTZ - solution of the problems of textile factories, i.e. improvements of machinery park, application of new raw materials; formation of basic structure of VUB (chemical laboratory, electrolaboratory, trial spinning operation...) - silk sector left. At the beginning of 1952 about 50 employees. Basic activities focused on the research in the field of textile manufacturing technologies and raw materials. First ideas and considerations towards possible shortening of the technological process in the spinning mills. Towards the end of 50´s VUB became a member of "Association of Cotton Industry Manufacturers" and its basic orientation was determined by actual problems and tasks of Czech cotton industry, i.e. first of all economy, costs savings, improvement of machine efficiency, increase of productivity of labour, improvement of working organization, raw material problems especially in connection with the introduction of man-made fibres.
Beginning of the research of new progressive technologies.
Creation of a plan of long-term activities focused on two principal tasks: - in spinning sector search for new unconventional systems eliminating limiting factors of ring spinning - in weaving sector search for new continuous weaving methods
Research of OE rotor spinning technology within the framework of a long-term research project "New principles of spinning" (since 1961). Close and fruitful collaboration with machinery manufacturing company Kovostav (later Elitex, nowadays Rieter).
Domestic as well as international realization and expansion of OE rotor spinning technology.
Further research and development of KONTIS multi-phase weaving machine
At the end of 80´s there were more than 500 people engaged with VUB. November 1989 - beginning of transformation of VUB in connection with political and economic changes in the country.
Research and development activities made based on principles of commercial relations.
Gradual restructuring of business activities and reduction or cancellation of inefficient and unprofitable activities (cotton yarn production). Gradual expansion of the scope of activities of Machinery division, increasing share of special machinery production in company turn-over.