
1.8. 1949   INITIAL  activities

Cotton and Silk Industry Research Institute (original abbreviation VUBH) established as a separate workplace of at that time existing group "Czech Textile Factories" (CTZ)

1951 - 1960

During first years - close collaboration between VUBH and CTZ - solution of the problems of textile factories, i.e. improvements of machinery park, application of new raw materials; formation of basic structure of VUB (chemical laboratory, electrolaboratory, trial spinning operation...) - silk sector left.   At the beginning of 1952 about 50 employees.
Basic activities focused on the research in the field of textile manufacturing technologies and raw materials. First ideas and considerations towards possible shortening of the technological process in the spinning mills. Towards the end of 50´s VUB became a member of "Association of Cotton Industry Manufacturers" and its basic orientation was determined by actual problems and tasks of Czech cotton industry, i.e. first of all economy, costs savings, improvement of machine efficiency, increase of productivity of labour, improvement of working organization, raw material problems especially in connection with the introduction of man-made fibres.

Turn of 50´s and 60´s

Beginning of the research of new progressive technologies. 

Creation of a plan of long-term activities focused on two principal tasks:
- in spinning sector search for new unconventional systems eliminating limiting factors of ring spinning
- in weaving sector search for new continuous weaving methods


Research of OE rotor spinning technology within the framework of a long-term research project "New principles of spinning" (since 1961). 
Close and fruitful collaboration with machinery manufacturing company Kovostav (later Elitex, nowadays Rieter).

  • May 1962 - design and assembly of the first model of OE rotor spinning machine DT 20
  • 1963 formation of joint research team with the specialists from USSR
  • first prototype of BD 200 OE rotor spinning machine (with combing roller)
  • September 1965-  KS 200 OE rotor spinning machine (with drafting system) presented at Brno Machinery Trade Fair
  • August 20th, 1967 -  opening in the world first OE rotor spinning mill (10 BD 200 machines) at VUB Usti nad Orlici and start of the presentation of BD 200 machine during ITMA 67 international textile machinery exhibition in Basle
  • licence agreements granting the rights for BD machine manufacture signed with Daiwa, Toyoda - Japan, Schubert & Salzer – Germany, Nuova San Giorgio - Italy
  • November 1969 - VUB honoured at international level - Jubilee Award granted by Textile Institute Manchester
  • research of multi-phase weaving technology within the framework of  a long-term research project "New principles of weaving" (since 1961)
  • research and development of basic elements and functional groups of KONTIS multi-phase weaving machine
  • design and manufacture of various experimental and functional models
  • verification and testing  of individual mechanisms and group of parts of future machine 
  • since 1967 manufacture of basic models of KONTIS machine

70´s and 80´s

Domestic as well as international realization and expansion of OE rotor spinning technology.

  • in 1979  there were more than 1000 OE rotor spinning machines installed and operated in 30 Czechoslovakian spinning mills
  • at the end of 70´s there were more than 7000 BD 200 OE rotor  spinning machines installed and operated in more than 40 countries all over the world
  • members of VUB staff in cooperation with foreign trade companies Investa and Strojimport take a considerable share in propagation and expansion of the OE rotor spinning technology all over the world  
  • continuous  innovation of OE rotor spinning machines, machine automation, application of new raw-materials, yarn quality improvement
  • collaboration in machine development with foreign partners (licensees)

Further research and development of KONTIS multi-phase weaving machine 

  • 1971 - first full width prototypes KONTIS C1 and C2
  •  presentation of KONTIS machine at ITMA 71 in Paris
  • at the turn of 70´s and 80´s KONTIS C4 version was devolped which became a base of the first series of Kontis machines 

At the end of 80´s there were more than 500 people engaged with VUB. 
November 1989 - beginning of transformation of VUB in connection with political and economic changes in the country. 


  • privatization of VUB based on voucher method applied   
  • since 1.5.1992 VUB transformed on joint stock company VUB Co.Ltd
  • gradual transformation of all entrepreneurial activities to new conditions of market economy
  • gradual changes of the proprietary structure 
  • restructuralization of business activities and structure of the staff
  • transformation of former pilot and laboratory  operations onto commercial operations
  • significant expansion of yarn production, successful production and export of  OE blend yarns
  • due to negative development in the weaving sector weaving mill stopped in 1999

Research and development activities made based on principles of commercial relations.

  • long years collaboration with Elitex/Rieter broken, contracts terminated
  • new agreement and projects with Saurer Czech and Saurer (Schlfhorst) in the field of OE rotor spinning made possible to keep research and development activities 
  • in the second half of 90´s several VUB projects solved with financial support from the state budget

2000  -  TODAY

Gradual restructuring of business activities and reduction or cancellation of inefficient and unprofitable activities (cotton yarn production).
Gradual expansion of the scope of activities of Machinery division, increasing share of special machinery production in company turn-over. 

  • important orders and contracts for inland and abroad partners (DDD, Korado, Schlatter, IAC, FEI GBE ...)
  • realization of  large-scale contract for Kordarna Co.
  • realization of the contract  for Fibertex Co. (fabric stenter for Safyr Co. South Africa)
  • development of collaboration with external designers and design offices
  • research and development of new spindle spinning system Novaspin
  • restoration of the contacts with Rieter AG and Rieter CZ in research and development of the spinning machines
  • new projects focused on the research and development of special textile products based on the application of new materials for technical and medical applications; protective garments (projects with financial support from the state budget)
  • gradual increased orientation on the sector of technical textiles (member of the CLUTEX cluster)
  • collaboration with other industrial partners  and/or universities
  • concentration of the whole staff  to one building aimed at increased efficiency
  • stabilization of proprietary structure and personal structure (70 employees)
  • gradual renovation of  several objects in the area of VUB aimed at considerable improvement of working conditions and made with the framework of several projects with financial support (OPPI) 
  • reconstruction of former raw-material warehouse on manufacturing and assembly hall of Machinery division
  • application and commercialization of the results of solved research projects in the field of research and development of special textiles and textile products
  • registration of the trade mark CleverTex®.
  • three product lines - antistatic and ESD products, flame-resistant functional underwear, wellness and relax products
  • gradual expansion of the product portfolio and application of these products on the market

After three years, our company VUB a.s again got the chance to actively participate in very important European trade fair Techtextil 22 in Frankfurt am Main. More...