international cooperation

International award 

Representatives of VÚB attended the award ceremony on 27th March 2014 in Chemnitz.

Four most successful examples of cross-border projects of "Cross-border cooperation of SMEs in the areas of research, development and qualification; Germany - Poland - Czech Republic" have been selected by the jury from all applications and awarded within the competition initiated by Federal Government Commissioner for the New Federal States at Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy and organized by Fraunhofer Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (MOEZ).

The project "Bilateral Research in the field of technical textiles" covering mutual cooperation of our direct R+D cooperation partner STFI e.V. Chemnitz and Cluster Technical Textiles CLUTEX and its membership SMEs has been selected and awarded as one of four most fruitful projects of transnational cooperation.

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Presentation of selected results of the MeTexCom project at the 8th Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference as poster (27. - 28.November 2014 in Dresden).  more detail see here...

After three years, our company VUB a.s again got the chance to actively participate in very important European trade fair Techtextil 22 in Frankfurt am Main. More...